Thursday, June 03, 2010

It's Today One Year Ago My Mom Died.

Well deep in my subconscience I knew something was different today. As I cooked the dates recalled in my mind. My mother passed away today a year ago. It was a Wednesday. She was very ill and as I flew overseas to go see her and landed in Spain for transfer is when my brother called to tell me what I already knew.

"Mom died."

I looked at the skyview of the airport and wondering if she was there looking at me smiling and trying to hug me while I was there sitting on a chair almost frozen in time.

I'd like to believe she is still around helping me around, but this world already gave her so much to work for, I think she now needs her real rest in Paradise with Jesus her Lord whom she loved all her life. I rather know she's there with Him and one day we'll meet again in a better place.
I miss my mother a lot, but I guess she knows that wherever she is. I haven't looked at her photo ever since I returned. So I decided to post it today.

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